
“Daisy in New York” is an intimate documentary that unfolds the captivating story of Daisy, a remarkable individual I had the privilege of knowing as my roommate. The film delves into the intricacies of Daisy's life, exploring her unique perspectives, struggles, and triumphs coming from Uganda to New York.

As a filmmaker, I found inspiration in her journey, and through the lens of my camera, I sought to capture the essence of her story, offering viewers a glimpse into the extraordinary narrative that unfolded in the heart of New York City.

Daisy in New York


This compelling documentary, "Daisy in New York," emerged as the culmination of my creative exploration during an intensive "Documentary Filmmaking" workshop at the New York Film Academy (NYFA).

Over six weeks, I immersed myself in the art and craft of Documentary Filmmaking under the guidance of industry experts at NYFA. This project not only served as a testament to the skills honed during the workshop but also reflects the profound impact of the vibrant, dynamic backdrop of New York City on the storytelling process.

The workshop provided a structured platform that empowered me to translate my vision into a compelling documentary, and "Daisy in New York" stands as a testament to the transformative experience of both the workshop and the city itself.

Filming process

The filming of "Daisy in New York" was a dynamic and emotionally charged process that unfolded over 2 intense days.

On day one, we conducted a deeply insightful interview with Daisy, unraveling the intricate layers of her journey from leaving her home country, Uganda, to navigating the complexities of settling in a sprawling metropolis like New York. The conversation provided a poignant backdrop for the narrative, laying the foundation for the documentary's exploration of cultural shifts, challenges, and personal growth.

The second day presented a unique set of challenges as we orchestrated Daisy's journey from her accommodation to the bustling heart of the city, Times Square. As we documented her experience, it became evident that her vulnerability and resilience were central to the film's narrative.

The team and I worked collaboratively, with me taking on the roles of director and editor, ensuring that each frame and sequence captured the authenticity and raw emotion of Daisy's journey.